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24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743

SKU: 9781402734502 Supplier: Sterling Publishing Co Inc


Author:  Rita Weiss

Format: Paperback | 128 pages

Dimensions:  216 x 279 x 9.91mm | 544.31g

Publication date: 22 Jun 2006

Take out the knitting needles today; wear a new shirt, shawl, or sweater tomorrow. These fashion-conscious projects will appeal to beginners eager to see results, complete with easy-to-follow instructions. Advanced knitters will find they simply can't resist the beautiful projects such as a cute little crop top with fringe around the neckline and a tie around the bottom. This title is complete with an international conversion table.


 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743
 24-Hour Knitting Projects - 9781402713743