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Graphics on the Move

SKU: 9789887669616 Supplier: Sandu Publishing


Format: Hardcover | 272p

Dimensions: 24.5x19

Publication: 2024-06-01

"Graphics on the Move," published by Sandu Publishing, delves into the realm of motion graphic design in today's digital era. The book examines how motion effects in graphic design can amplify brand recognition and leave a lasting impact on the audience.

Spanning over 272 pages, it features a collection of motion graphic design projects from across the globe, including mobile applications, outdoor advertisements, and digital video content. Each page serves as a wellspring of inspiration, highlighting the ingenuity and skill of the designers involved.

More than just a design manual, "Graphics on the Move" stands as a piece of art in itself, making it an ideal choice for aficionados of graphic design eager to delve into the evolving world of motion design.


 Graphics on the Move
 Graphics on the Move
 Graphics on the Move
 Graphics on the Move
 Graphics on the Move