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H-Diagram: A49 HD_Nithi Sthapitanonda_9786167800684_LI-ZENN PUBLISHING LIMITED

SKU: 9786167800684 Supplier: Li-Zenn Publishing Limited
-44% 800,000₫ 1,430,000₫


Author: Nithi Sthapitanonda

Format: Hard Cover | 252 pages

Dimensions: 279.4 × 279.4 mm | 730gr

Publication date: 2016

A house is one of the four requisites; the basic necessity for sustaining all human lives. A journey of a thousand miles might start with one stride away, but that journey will always end at home where love resides; despite the beauty of places one has witnessed. It is a piece of architecture that undeniably bonds deepest with human lives.


 H-Diagram: A49 HD_Nithi Sthapitanonda_9786167800684_LI-ZENN PUBLISHING LIMITED