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Nonlinear Waves and Diffusion Processes

SKU: 9788173197017 Supplier: Narosa Publishing House Out of stock


Author:  B. Mayil Vaganan

Format: Hardback | 98 pages

Dimensions :160 x 240 x 19.05mm | 453.59g

Publication date :30 Jun 2006

Nonlinear analysis has become an indispensable tool in the exploration of a wide range of physical phenomena. This book is devoted to transformation techniques, asymptotic analysis and symbolic and numerical computations of nonlinear wave propagation and diffusion processes. Each paper discusses a nonlinear problem in detail and depth so as to provide the reader with impetus to vigorously pursue research in nonlinear waves and diffusion. The applied mathematicians, mathematical physicists, engineers and post-graduate students will find this volume extremely useful as it depicits a comprehensive picture of nonlinear science with its tremendous range of applications.


 Nonlinear Waves and Diffusion Processes