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Numerical Analysis in Engineering

SKU: 9781842654026 Supplier: Alpha Science International Ltd Out of stock


Author:  R.Rama Bhat ,  S. Chakraverty

Format :Hardback | 330 pages

Dimensions: 160 x 240 x 22.86mm | 680.39g

Publication date :30 Jun 2007

Numerical Analysis in Engineering deals with the methods of obtaining numerical solutions to engineering problems. The topics discussed are normally covered in undergraduate engineering programs. These include an introduction to digital computers, function representation using Taylor's series, error considerations in iterative type computations, searching for roots of equations in a single variable, solution of simultaneous equations, function approximation and interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, matrix eigenvalue problems, solution of nonlinear system of equations, and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Advanced topics such as the generation of boundary characteristic orthogonal polynomials, boundary value problems have also been dealt with.


 Numerical Analysis in Engineering