Sewing: Techniques for Beginners
SKU: 9781786271983 Supplier: Laurence King Publishing Out of stockDescription
Author: Francesca Sterlacci, Barbara Seggio
Format: Paperback | 352 pages
Dimensions: 295 x 250 x 20.32mm | 1,270.06g
Publication date: 22 Jan 2019
Knowing how to sew will make you a better designer; you will learn what is possible, and be inspired by the creative possibilities of sewing techniques.
In this book you will start by learning the basics: how to choose tools; how to choose and use thread; pressing techniques; and how to choose and use appropriate interfacings and linings. Basic techniques include seam and hem finishes, sewing buttons and buttonholes, working with knit fabrics, and finishing details including bindings and spaghetti straps, tailored pockets, and zippers. Each lesson is illustrated with step-by-step photographs.