Enjoy Coffee 2
SKU: 9791188529216 Supplier: Nemo Factory Out of stockDescription
Coffee, or coffee beverage, is a bitter drink in which the seeds (coffee beans) of the coffee tree are roasted and powdered and brewed in warm water and cold water or steam. Coffee beans can be obtained primarily from coffee trees grown in more than 70 countries in the equatorial region of Latin America, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa. Green coffee beans (beans before roasting, green beans) are one of the most traded agricultural products in the world. Coffee has the effect of awakening people due to its caffeine content. Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world. About 600 billion glasses are consumed worldwide in a year. “Enjoy Coffee 2” introduces various coffee brands and coffee shop interior design that are loved around the world following “Enjoy Coffee”. We want to introduce our readers to the creative and innovative approach of coffee branding and the sensuous interiors of renowned branding designers around the world.