High Cocktails : Psychoactive Non-Alcoholic Cocktails
SKU: 9789089898838 Supplier: Terra UitgeverijDescription
Author: Noah Tucker
Format: Hardback | 192 pages
Dimensions: 170 x 240 x 22.1mm | 782g
Publication date: 30 Sep 2022
"Is this the most important book ever written on psychedelic mixed drinks? Almost certainly. High Cocktails is written with academic rigour, caution, expert insight and the mixological mastery of some of the very best bartenders and chefs in the world, all packaged in a gorgeously photographed book fit for every coffee table. Whether or not you know your kratom from your kanna, or your blue lotus from your ayahuasca, this is the book for you: it is quite simply the future of drinking." - Philip Duff, award-winning, head of spirits & cocktail engagement and education with Liquid Solutions, Chief Genever Officer for Old Duff Genever
High Cocktails is the first book to bring together 20 alcohol-free psychoactive cocktail recipes, developed by chefs Noah Tucker and Anthony Joseph, in collaboration with four of the world's top mixologists. Featuring exclusive research into some of the world's most interesting psychoactive plants and the alchemy involved in making cocktails with these ingredients. A team of media makers, in collaboration with chefs Noah and Tony, started a project called High Cuisine a few years ago, where chefs cook with legal, mind-altering herbs such as weed, truffles and kratom. This led to the cookbook of the same name and a TV series. Now in collaboration with The Bulldog, the landmark coffee shop in Amsterdam, a new trajectory has sta