The Fashion Design Reference & Specification Book : Everything Fashion Designers Need to Know Every Day
SKU: 9781592538508 Supplier: Rockport Publishers Inc. Out of stockDescription
Author: Jay Calderin & Laura Volpintesta
Format: Paperback | 288 pages
Dimensions: 200 x 139 x 18.29mm | 474g
Publication date: 01 Jul 2013
An essential primer for students and first-stop reference for professionals, The Fashion Design Reference & Specification Booktakes the fashion designer through the entire design process, from conceiving a garment to marketing it.
This valuable handbook contains the information and ideas essential to planning and executing fashion projects of every scale and distills them in an easy-to-use format that is compact enough to slip into a tote. Linking six central phases in the cycle of fashion--research, editing, design, construction, connection, and evolution--The Fashion Design Reference & Specification Book helps designers develop effective strategies for building a cohesive collection and communicating their vision.
The Reference & Specification Book series from Rockport Publishers offers students and practicing professionals in a range of creative industries must-have information in their area of specialty in an up-to-date, concise handbook.