Time For Tea-Branding And Pakaging Design Of Tea_Sangu_9789887449263_Sangu
SKU: 9789887449263 Supplier: SanguDescription
Author: Sangu
Format: Hardback | 246 pages
Dimensions: 20 x 24 x 5 cm | 1800gr
Publication date: Ju 2021
Tea is popular all over the world, connecting China and the West, occupying an important position in the consumer beverage market. How can designers design tea products that are both popular and popular? "Book of Tea" selects nearly 100 excellent tea brands and packaging business examples from 75 outstanding designers and design firms around the world, and comprehensively analyzes color matching strategy Colors, appearance structure, visual elements and material selection of different tea brands and packaging. In addition to reviewing the cases, we invite professional tea packaging scholars to write articles to provide you with a systematic understanding of the development history of Chinese tea packaging and packaging design know-how. Modern tea bags. Analyze the design elements of the case comprehensively and trigger design inspiration in detail.