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Children of the World

SKU: 9783961714117 Supplier: Teneues Out of stock


Author: Mario Marino

Format: Hardback | 256 pages

Dimensions: 11.13 x 1.14 x 13.41 inches

Publication year: October 26, 2022

Mario Marino, an internationally famous and award-winning photographer, has created a joyous and melancholy collection of images of children from around the world. This ode to humanity's (and our planet's) future depicts children's happiness and delight, as well as their insecurities and fears. The subject and photographer appear to trust each other, as if they had known each other for years. This gift of trust and mutual respect is imbued in the photographs, resulting in images that are poignant, often hilarious, and always expressive. Mario Marino, an internationally known and award-winning photographer, has been touring the world with his camera for decades and has long been regarded as a light in the field of portrait photography. Several awards have been bestowed onto his previously released volumes of portrait photography from Africa and India. "Empathy and instinct are essential in my work." I try to read people's life and the situations they find themselves in. Their ethnic origin and identity intrigue me."


 Children of the World
 Children of the World
 Children of the World
 Children of the World