Gauguin (Artist Monographs)
SKU: 9783955886288 Supplier: Koenemann.Com GmbH Out of stock
Author: Armelle Femelat
Format: Hardback | 288 pages
Dimensions: 18.03 x 2.29 x 18.03 cm
Publication year: 1 July 2019
As a painter, designer, sculptor, and also a collector of art, Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) was the leader of the Pont-Aven school and one of the most important post-impressionist painters. Trained in painting by Camille Pissarro, he developed a novel approach to the expression of shapes and colors. His aesthetic researches took him to Brittany before luring him to the Pacific isles on a quest for a lost paradise and a wild nature. His influence on modern painting was to be decisive.