One: Living as one and loving it_Victoria Alexander_9781911632665_Murdoch Books
SKU: 9781911632665 Supplier: Murdoch Books Out of stockDescription
Author: Victoria Alexander
Format: Hardback | 260 pages
Dimensions: 210 x 255 x 27.94mm | 1,202.02g
Publication date: 17 Mar 2020
One is a celebration of individuality and life. Author Victoria Alexander writes with humour and wisdom about the importance of believing in and valuing ourselves. She reminds us to trust in ourselves, try things on for size, take risks and ask for what we want after all, we might just get it. At its heart, this beautifully layered collection of stories, quotes, reflections and evocative images is about the power of choice and about enjoying life, with all its shifts and changes. Its message is universal: accept who you are and who you can be, whether you live alone, or whether you are one of many.
Quote from Victoria Alexander: "One is an affirmation of self. A book about living as one and loving it. My photographs are from everywhere, all over, and mixed up to remind you and me that we are all one. Wherever we're from. Wherever we may be going. We all share a desire to find contentment. My hope is that you too know we have one thing in common: a need to be able to count on ourselves. It's not just for those who live alone. I acknowledge every one has a need for space, to keep a little of themselves for themselves. We all need to have our own sense of self worth. I hope it will encourage you in your acceptance of who you are, who you can be. It's the kind of book where you may find a connection to travel, photography, architecture, people or memories. It would be the ultimate compliment if you left it lying around to tell others 'I am happily a one, my life is what it is, and please don't judge me, thank you very much'. Or better still, share it with a one you love."